Isn't it the case that those who make the poorest decisions tend to be the loudest? You don't often hear someone walk into the locker room bragging "DUDE - I had an awesome weekend! Guess what I did? I went to that party Friday night and I didn't drink, smoke OR have sex! I rock!"
The above situation is comical because it never happens! Instead, you often hear the opposite. It's like making poor decisions that could compromise their future and have negative consequences somehow makes them "cool" and therefore "popular."
Because they tend to be very vocal about these poor decisions, we are often led to believe they are the majority. But even this will prove to be false.
Statistics published in 2007 by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) showed that the MAJORITY of teens are NOT having sex! Surprised? Let's look at the numbers for high school students:
The number who are NOT currently sexually active is 65%
The number who have NEVER had sexual intercourse is 52.2%
So stop buy the LIE that everyone is doing it. You are in the majority. It's time to stop being silent and start speaking up. VIRGIN is not a dirty word. In fact, it's the best thing you could ever do for yourself during high school.
(To read stats, visit http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/yrbs/index.htm)
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