Monday, August 24, 2009
by Rebecca Hagelin
Culture challenge of the week: Disney's decline
I'll always remember how magical it was to see Tinker Bell flitter across the TV screen. She would touch the top of Cinderella's castle with her magic wand and release a million tiny sparkles that cascaded down the television screen and seemingly into my living room.

The Disney girls, such as Snow White and Cinderella, were always so innocent, beautiful and kind. They taught little girls that we, too, should be generous and gracious - that our lives should be marked by goodness and virtue. The Disney message was clear: Regardless of your circumstances, you can be lovely and thoughtful, and - if your heart is pure and with a little help from your fairy godmother - you might also find your handsome prince and live happily ever after.
My, how times have changed.
This is not your mamma's Disney. The lifestyles and fantasies they are selling our young women are anything but wholesome. Disney has deliberately and successfully transformed its brand from one of innocence and family entertainment to a purveyor of promiscuity.

The larger point is that Disney itself also has morphed. They've gone from selling just childhood fantasies into also selling sexual ones.
This new corporate image was missed by many adults, but to my surprise, it seems that some teens recognize - and are beginning to reject - the newer, uglier Disney.
After Miley's now infamous pole-dancing routine before a nation of teeny-boppers, I remarked to my 17-year-old daughter, "Kristin, it looks like Miley has gone trampy on us."
"Of course," she responded, matter-of-factly.
Surprised by her immediate and total agreement, I asked, "Why do you say 'of course?' "
"Because she's Disney," Kristin said simply.
Wow. I was stunned that my daughter knew what Disney had been up to.
"Who else has Disney turned into a tramp?" I asked.
"Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, the girls from 'High School Musical' - lots of others," she sighed.
The funny thing is that Kristin doesn't even watch the programming. But the characters are such a pervasive part of teen culture, she can't escape them.
How to save your family (and yourself) from being duped.
So what's my point here? Don't blindly trust the brands you have come to rely on.
Today's marketers have become so savvy that they know how to skillfully present themselves to parents in one way, but be something radically different to the teenage population that now wields tremendous purchasing power. While Disney still sells the childhood characters of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck to new moms, it is selling sexuality to our pre-teen girls.
When you hear about a new Disney flick, for instance, check out a reliable movie review before checking out the DVD. The best movie reviews I know are at
And don't let your children become enamored of any media star. Teach them that pop stars are packaged products subject to manipulation by crass marketers. Remind them that young pop icons and their agents are always looking for the next role that will maintain their superstar status, and that they are likely to make mistakes along the way.
You can take heart that Tinker Bell and Cinderella will never change. It's too bad I can't say the same for Disney or their modern heroines.
• Rebecca Hagelin is a family advocate and the author of the best-seller "30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family." For more family tips, visit
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