Singer, performer, and actor, Rebecca St. James will be coming to Erie, PA for a benefit concert for the Women's Care Center.
Rebecca has won a Grammy award and multiple Dove awards for her talented work in the Christian music industry.
So mark the date on your calendar:
I realize it's hard to read, so let me reproduce it:
WARNING! Wearing Booty Pop panties has been known to make men notice...
(Notice what? How fake you are?)
The makers of Booty Pop are not responsible for all the extra attention you will receive as a result of wearing our product...
(Again, playing on the insecurity of girls who don't feel loved and desperately want attention. Girls, is falsely enhacing your body in anyway the solution? Will he truly LOVE you for who you are, instead of how you look? Or are you just lowering your standards?)
Subsequently the hiring of, and costs related to, additional personal security is the sole responsibility of the Booty Pop customer. (emphasis added)
(Whoa!! Let's talk about this. They are jokingly implying that you'll need to hire security because you'll get so much attention. Attention? Or physically attacked? I think that's called rape ladies, let's not confuse the two.)
I think it's about time we ladies stop buying into the lies of "you need this" and "you aren't beautiful" and need to start giving products like Booty Pop the BOOT.
...to wait to have sex.
Submitted by teens and originally posted on AC Green's Youth Foundation website.
Marriage matters. But mentioning the bond between marriage and lower poverty violates the protocols of political correctness. Thus, the main cause of child poverty remains hidden from public view. Since the decline of marriage is the principal cause of child poverty and welfare dependence in the U.S. …it would seem reasonable for government to take steps to strengthen marriage.About two of every three poor children live in single-parent households. Yet if poor single moms married the fathers of their children, nearly two out of three would be lifted out of poverty.
In light of these facts, policies that strengthen marriage for those who choose it and that discourage unintended births outside of marriage are sensible goals to pursue.Those words come from husband, father and then-Senator Barack Obama’s 2006 best-seller “The Audacity of Hope.” He was correct then, and he should implement marriage-strengthening policies today.
For most on the Left, marriage is, at best, an antiquated institution, a red-state superstition. From this viewpoint, the real task is to expand government subsidies as a post-marriage society is built.Rather than adopt policies to reverse the 50-year spike in births outside marriage, though, President Obama in his 2011 budget “would eliminate the one program dedicated to encouraging healthy marriage,” notes Jennifer A. Marshall, Heritage’s director of domestic policy studies.
In its place would be a program promoting a notion of ‘fatherhood’ that doesn’t involve the father being married or in the home. The facts speak for themselves. It’s time more policymakers noticed what the facts are saying.Something to think about, Mr. President. Happy Father’s Day.
Once upon a time, there were a group of FABULOUS divas...twelve to be exact...who realized that they all had the same problem! Each of them was married to a super-duper hottie, of course, but they were discovering that they were letting LIFE take over...and weren't focusing on their husbands as much as they would like! Since these divas were so fabulous and all...they quickly came up with a plan. They would take turns posting a super fun, creative, AND inexpensive date each week on their "Dating Divas" blog! And, of course, being the fabulous divas...and all..they decided to share those dates with the rest of you!
Huffy has been working to help parents and children with bicycling for years. We’ve never seen ourselves as just bike manufacturers. To us, it’s more than that. Biking is a way for both adults and kids to be active outdoors. The Huffy website has a lot of information to help make sure bicycle riding is enjoyable and safe. http://www.huffy.com/ has tips for parents teaching their children how to ride a bike; bicycle safety posters for kids; guides for finding a bike path in your area and much more.Well. Huh. That’s not really what I was looking for. I wanted a major corporation like Huffy to say something like:
Here Brenda Newport, the Executive Director of the WCC, is welcoming everyone
Our faith parnters supported the event by sponsoring tables
We had lots of yumming food
And yes, lots of dessert!
Underneath the cartoon it says "Now, kids, don't look until you're twenty-one." Huh.
Like a kid could survive elementary, middle & high school, not to mention the first few years of college without seeing a single alcohol ad.
So, what do the facts say?
Every year kids and teens see close to 20,000 commercials. Of these, approximately 2,000 are for alcoholic beverages. Add to these other forms of advertising (magazine ads, billboards, Web sites and brand-related clothing and products), signage at sporting events, sponsorship of professional and college teams and sports TV and radio programs, and most young people will have seen approximately 100,000 alcohol ads by the time they turn 18.
"With so many things to do, no wonder most kids choose not to drink." We then focused on what things teens can do instead of drinking.
The teens walked away being more informed about the dangers of alcohol and the messages the media sends about drinking. Hopefully they will continue to be able to dissect the truth from the lie.
Created by Elizabeth Ybanez of McDowell High School. The cartoon appeared in the student magazine called Blue and White Times during the February Valentine's Day issue.