Friday, September 4, 2009

College Event Designed to Dispel Myths and Meet Needs of Local Students

Yesterday I had the opportunity, along with some fellow coworkers, to go and discuss with college juniors and seniors ideas for an upcoming event we hope to have on a local college campus.

When we asked questions about the college climate as it relates to the dating and hookup world, these students answered honestly.  Here are some examples:

"Some people just hookup at a party and then they see if a relationship develops."
"Others come to college with girlfriends, but you never know how long it lasts and what they're up to."

When we asked them what they'd like to know and have us talk about, the following topics were brought up:
  • Commitment - Like, how do you know if this person is the one?  How do you commit?  How do you escape divorce?
  • Cohabitation - Should we live together after college?  Are we already living together if we have two separate places, but he often stays the night?  Is that wrong?
  • Communication - How do you communicate between the genders?  And what's with all the texting and breaking up on facebook?  And are people really talking before they have sex, like "Are we ready to have a baby?  If not, then why are we doing this?!"
Great ideas, huh?  It also gave us a clear picture of the needs of these students and how we can address their questions with our event.

As I was thinking about which topics to highlight in the event, I stumbled upon an article entitled, "Marriage Conference Dispels Myths" published today on

Dr. William Doherty is a marriage expert and was a speaker on the panel during the conference.  His assessment is that "we need to dispel the myths about marriage in society today."  So, what are some of those modern myths about marriage?  And are any of the myths evident among the college students we spoke to?

Dr. Doherty highlights five common myths:
  1. It's foolish to get married without cohabiting
  2. It's best to wait to get married when you are financially secure
  3. If a marriage gets rotten it never gets ripe again
  4. If your marriage fails your children really want you to find another romantic relationship because they want you to be happy
  5. Men aren't interested in relationships

We can't wait to further develop this college event and incoporate some of the above myths.  We'll keep you posted with more details!

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